Generate jigsaw puzzle and add it to your website

Use our simple wizard and generate uniqual puzzle which you can add to your online website.

1 Define image
2 Adjust number of elements and shape
3 Copy code and embed it to your site

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Terms and conditions about using embeded puzzles

As jigsaw perfection we want you to give web masters tools to easly customeize their website by adding interactive jigsaws puzzles. Using embeded puzzle parties agree:

  1. Jigsaw Perfection can collect all statistician data inside 3rd party tooling like Google Analitics to be able analyze interaction of users
  2. Jigsaw Perfection is not taking responsibility obout images used inside jigsaw embeded code as link to image is stored by 3rd party services.
  3. As Jigsaw Perfection we reserve the right to temporarily disable the embed jigsaws in the event of unethical usage.